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Planned Giving

Plan Your Will The Online Wills Planner is designed to help you gather the information your attorney will need to plan for your future. You will be guided through a series of questions that will help you identify your family members, estate assets and financial goals.
Gift Annuities Are you looking for a secure source of fixed income for now or your future? Consider giving through a Gift Annuity.
Donor Story Learn how others have made an impact through their acts of giving to our organization and others. Explore the many benefits of charitable gift planning.
Personal Planner
Most families purchase their largest personal residence in their mid-forties. Families with children often need the additional space. Other families plan to purchase a home...
Washington News
On the final weekend before taxes are due, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) published two letters that caution taxpayers about the risks of tax advice found on social media...
Donor Story
Luke and Candice spent many years volunteering and supporting their favorite charity. They wanted to give back in a way that would help fulfill its mission.